Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Confessions of a Hot Air Balloonaholic

I have a Hot Air Balloon fetish...they make me extremely happy to see floating along in the sky. I rode in one once and that was an interesting experience. Especially for someone who was/is afraid of heights.
It turned out to be so much more enjoyable than I could have imagined. [fyi: hot air balloons are different from gas filled balloons in that well...they don't use gas to fill the balloon but heat the air inside the shape] Gas Balloons in the US usually use Helium which is not supposed to be flammable ~ Hydrogen is the flammable one and it is mainly used in Europe because Helium is so expensive over there. ~ Anyway...this is a gorgeous Hot Air Balloon I took a photograph of at the International Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque, New Mexico

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